Monday, February 14, 2011

...having the appearance of godliness

...but denying its power. 2 Timothy 3:5
What exactly does it mean to have the appearance of godliness but deny its power?

"Miss anything else, but do not miss my voice. Other voices may introduce disharmony, but my voice will always bring peace to your heart and clarity to your thinking....
Yes, I will keep you in the center of my will and my  being, lest on the one hand you move into coldness and doubt, or on the other hand you become carried away by fleshly zeal.  There is no neutrality in the center.  This is not an arbitrary position.  For I will fill you with the abundance of my own life.
Your heart will burn with the fire of my love. You shall rejoice in all kinds of circumstances, because I will share with you my joy; and my joy is completely disassociated from the world and from the people of the world. But I joy in those who joy in me.  My love I pour out to those who pour out their lives to Me."

These are just book crumbs I have written in my journal of late and have been chewing on.  I think that lately I do have the appearance of godliness yet deny its power in my life.  I struggle to endure well....clinging to the cross is my power yet when I look away from the cross and onto my circumstances it is then that I begin to doubt and then that I deny the power of the cross.  Clinging to the cross...oh Lord please find me clinging to the cross!

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